Style all Inputs but checkbox and radio picture · Feb 7, 2014 · Viewed 16.4k times · Source

I am trying to use a style where I use

input:not([type=radio]){ ...

But clearly that won't work. How can I use the styles I have written for all inputs but just these two?


Jukka K. Korpela picture Jukka K. Korpela · Feb 7, 2014

You need to use a single combined selector instead of two selectors:

input:not([type=checkbox]):not([type=radio]) { ... }

This selects any input element that does not have the attribute type=checkbox and that does not have the attribute type=radio. The code in the question, with two selectors, selects all input elements that do not have the attribute type=checkbox and additionally all input elements that do not have the attribute type=radio, so it ends up with selecting all input elements.

Usual CSS Caveats apply. You may wish to use polyfill like Selectivzr to cover old versions of IE.