When using @media queries, does a phone load non-relevent queries and images?

ChaBuku Bakke picture ChaBuku Bakke · May 20, 2013 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

If I base my CSS on mobile styling, then use @media queries for gradually larger displays (tablets, desktops etc), will the mobile devices use the desktop styles?

I believe that typically, mobile devices will load all images even if they don't apply to its own particular media size. Meaning it will load all images and hide ones not matching its query-based stylesheet.

What I am trying to do is use one background for the larger version of the site:

.splash {
    background: #1a1a1a url('/assets/imageLarge.png') no-repeat;

and another for the mobile version:

.splash {
    background: #1a1a1a url('/assets/imageSmall.png') no-repeat;

If I apply the mobile CSS before any media queries, and add the large media CSS below using a query like @media screen and (min-device-width: 481px) {...}, will mobile devices load the large image too?


Andy Davies picture Andy Davies · May 21, 2013

Behaviour is browser depended but iOS Safari and Android Chrome will respect the media queries and only download the background images for the applicable media queries.

If you want to inspect this behaviour, try loading the page with Mobitest (http://mobitest.akamai.com/) or a tethered device.

If you use separate CSS files (and I'd urge you not too) the browser will download each of them even if it doesn't need them, this is a limitation of the CSSOM. Some browsers e.g. WebKit and Blink based ones prioritise the stylesheets so the ones needed to render the page are downloaded first and the others at some point later.

One thing to watch out for is display:none on content images as it won't prevent download in many situations. Tim Kadlec explores this more here: http://timkadlec.com/2012/04/media-query-asset-downloading-results/