How to really isolate stylesheets in the Google Chrome extension?

smileart picture smileart · Oct 8, 2012 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

I wrote a Google Chrome extension, which popups a dialog with an autocomplete field and it's own style, but there are some sites where my CSS gets totally broken, which doesn't look very nice.

I know about isolating styles with iFrames, but in Google Chrome extension there is no way to isolate my HTML and CSS in this way. Another method is to wrap all my stuff into a separated div with it's own id and relative styles for that id, and I do so, but it seems that it doesn't work on some sites with "hard" tags style overloading or "!important" directives in the CSS code.

So, I want to know is there any way to really isolate my styles in z convenient way or it's my bad carma to overload every little CSS property to fix one or another style issue for each site?

By the way: I set up my manifest to load all the things at the "document_end", but I see it's not being applied to the stylesheets which is every time loaded whenever the DOM is ready.


Rob W picture Rob W · Nov 27, 2013

At the time of asking the question, your only option was to either use iframes, or stylesheets with a very high specificity and explicitly set all properties that might affect styles. The last method is very cumbersome, because there will always be some property that is overlooked by you. Consequently, the only usable method for isolating stylesheets was to use iframes.

The solution to this problem -isolation of styles without iframes- is Shadow DOM (since Chrome 25). You can find a tutorial at HTML5 Rocks. For a real-world Chrome extension that uses Shadow DOM to isolate styles, see Display #Anchors (source code here).