Is Garamond really a web safe font?

J D picture J D · May 1, 2012 · Viewed 44.6k times · Source

Is Garamond really web safe? Should I go ahead and use it? I know its not there in XP(Georgia is the fallback), however, what about other operating systems? Is it present in macs, new windows and linux?

I know I could simple do a @font-face, however, the if I embed it, it looks pretty hideous in Google Chrome.


Okay, what if I do

@import url(;
html{font-family: Garamond, EB Garamond, Georgia, serif;}

Will, this way the web browser will first check if Garamond is installed or not, and if not, load will load the web font EB Garamond, or this wont happen?


Undefined picture Undefined · May 1, 2012

I don't believe it is a safe font to use on all computers. You can use the font and use another as a backup by using font family. Such as this:

font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif;

See here for more reading on web safe fonts ->