Selectors are patterns that match against elements in a document tree.
I've got the following HTML code on a page: <h4>Some text</h4> <p> …
html css css-selectorsI've just discovered Sass, and I've been so excited about it. In my website I implement a tree-like navigation menu, …
css css-selectors sassI'm trying to select the first h1 inside a div with a class called detail_container. It works if h1 …
css css-selectorsHow can I select the link elements of only the parent <ul> from a list like this? <…
jquery html css css-selectorsI know there is an official CSS3 :checked pseudo-class, but is there an :unchecked pseudo-class, and do they have the …
css css-selectors pseudo-classI want to apply some css for inputs elements and I want to do that only for inputs that are …
css css-selectors pseudo-classI am a bit confused between these 2 selectors. Does the descendent selector: div p select all p within a div …
css css-selectorsI am trying to figure out the syntax for selecting a nth-child of an element by its class, however I …
jquery class html selector css-selectorsIs there a CSS selector for disabled input type="submit" or "button"? Should I just use input[type="submit"][disabled]? …
css css-selectors submit-buttonI want to apply a CSS rule to any element whose one of the classes matches specified prefix. E.g. …
css css-selectors