Top "Css-calc" questions

calc() is a native CSS way to do simple math right in CSS as a replacement for any length value (or pretty much any number value).

Using calc() with tables

I'm trying to get a table with fixed-width tds and variable-width tds. Im using the CSS calc() function, but somehow …

css html-table fixed-width css-calc
How can I use CSS calc() with inherit?

I would like to use inherit with calc() like this: #foo { animation-duration: 10s; } #foo > .bar { animation-duration: calc(inherit + 2s); /* =12…

css inheritance css-animations css-calc
calc() not working within media queries

@media screen and (max-width: calc(2000px-1px)) { .col { width: 200px; } } The value after subtraction should be 1999px, however it does …

css media-queries css-calc
Nested calc operations

Hopefully this is quite simple. I want to use the CSS calc operation to perform two calculations: I want to …

css expression css-calc
CSS calc(); to position a div

I'm attempting to create a div that has a width and height of 37% of the view width. I want the …

css css-position css-calc
Stuck between flex-end and space-between and margin

In a flexbox, when I use justify-content:space-between the first and last items are exactly aligned to the bounds of …

html css flexbox css-calc
jQuery animate() and CSS calc()

I tried to set CSS calc() using jQuery animate, for example: $element.animate({ height: 'calc(100% - 30px)' }, 500); and I …

css jquery-animate css-calc
CSS calc() rounding

This problem is similar to Chrome 37 calc rounding But the real problem was a bit more complicated, and the solution …

css rounding css-calc
Using modulus in css calc function

Is there any way to use or implement modulus operator in css calc function? I know there is mod operator …

css css-calc