CSS animations make it possible to animate transitions from one CSS style configuration to another.
I have a ng-include which is loading content based on a dynamic url (working as expected). <ng-include class="my-content-area" …
javascript angularjs css-animations ng-animate angularjs-ng-includeI'm building an iOS app with PhoneGap. I'm using translate3d CSS animations to create the 'flip' effect. This works …
ios webkit cordova css-animations translate3dCSS3 transitions, transforms and animations are wonderful. They are even more now more browsers do support them. Still there's one …
css w3c css-transitions css-animationsMy question is about using translateX and translateY in react and/or react-native animations, to animate an object to a …
reactjs react-native css-animations react-native-animatableI have a heart svg path like so: <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <path className="" d="M20,31 C15.4189994,27.2225585 12.5023327,24.2225585 11.25,22 C10.2743515,20.6156479 10,19.6181623 10,18.1428571 C10,15.5113854 12.4883456,13 15,13 …
css svg css-animations linear-gradients