There are hints of the answer to this question here and there on this site, but I'm asking a slightly different question.
Where does Crystal Reports document that this syntax does not work?
Trim({PatientProfile.First}) + " "
+ Trim(Iif(
, Trim({PatientProfile.Middle}) + " "
, " "
+ Trim({PatientProfile.Last})
I know the solution is
If IsNull({PatientProfile.Middle}) Then
+ " " + Trim({PatientProfile.Last})
+ " " + Trim({PatientProfile.Middle})
+ " " + Trim({PatientProfile.Last})
but how are we supposed to figure out we can't use the first version?
The documentation for IsNull says
and Iif gives
I suppose if you stare at that line about "type of the return value" you can get it, but...
Where does Crystal Reports document that this syntax does not work?
I doubt there is anyplace large enough in the entire universe to document everything that does not work in Crystal Reports...