Crystal Reports: global variable running total not displaying in header

phill picture phill · Nov 2, 2009 · Viewed 33.1k times · Source

Using Crystal Reports I'm trying to display the running total of a database field in the header where all the labels are.

I've attempted to do this by placing the running total (RTversion) into a formula field with the following:

Shared stringvar CurrentVers; 
CurrentVers := {#CurrentVers}; 

and then in the page header section I have the following:

Shared stringvar CurrentVers; 

with {#CurrentVers} running the 1st largest number.

Is this incorrect?

Update: The goal is to display the latest version in the header near the labels to show what the current verseion is for comparison.


craig picture craig · Nov 3, 2009

Running-Total Fields, in my experience, only work in the footer sections.

You will need to create a manual running total.

Add a formula field to the Details section that populates a Global variable with whatever you are trying to capture. Something like:

//use WhileReadingRecords if the values can be gathered as the report pulls in values from the database.  Otherwise, use WhilePrintingRecords. 
Global Stringvar CurrentVers;
//logic here to capture what you want

Add another formula field to the Header section. Add these two lines to it:

Global Stringvar CurrentVers;