I have a font size issue in exporting crystal report using crystal report 13.0,the font size is decreased,so i need to increase it.i notice that i must set it from the registry key,but t I'm not founding the file related to the font(PDF\ForceLargerFonts ) in the registry file that must be changed
This is a known issue with Crystal Reports which reduces the font size when it exports to a PDF file. The solution is retrieved from Business Objects support site. Solved it by below links is useful : please check it out
1- http://www.barcodesoft.com/crystal-reports-export-pdf-font-size.aspx
2- http://mdn.morovia.com/kb/Font-size-decreases-exporting-PDF-Crystal-Reports-10053.html
for other description : http://www.arcanadev.com/support/kb/K00000394.aspx
and Open the fonts folder and select "Font Settings." Make sure the "Hide fonts based on language settings" option is not checked.