Top "Cross-site" questions

Cross-site means the interaction cross separate domains of authority.

Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against <file> because the scheme does not match

I've just noticed my console is littered with this warning, appearing for every single linked resource. This includes all referenced …

cookies assets url-scheme cross-site websecurity
how to protect location.href from cross site scripting in javascript?

Here in my javascript function im using location.href as follows location.href = "../Floder1/result.jsp"; it is working fine …

javascript cross-site location-href fortify
Loading cross domain XML with Javascript using a hybrid iframe-proxy/xsl/jsonp concept?

On our site we want to download and use with Javascript. …

javascript xml cross-domain cross-site
Cross-site ajax call to a WCF Service

Is it possible to do a cross-site call, in Javascript, to a WCF service? I don't mind if it's a …

javascript wcf json cross-site
Python Flask cross site HTTP POST - doesn't work for specific allowed origins

I'm trying to get Flask to handle cross-site scripting properly. I've taken the crossdomain decorator snippet from here: http://flask.…

python flask cross-site