I'm a fool in linux. So i tried to set up some things on my root. Well and after time a suspicious cron job started to bomb me. i get about 1 email every 10 minutes saying:
Cron test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp
/usr/share/sendmail/sendmail: line 880: /usr/sbin/sendmail-msp: No such file or directory
Does someone know what this could be?
The email is adressed to "[email protected]"....
apt-get --purge remove sendmail-base sendmail-cf sendmail-doc
This just popped up for me too. I thought that I had removed sendmail when I installed Postfix but these cron jobs started popping up. Removing the sendmail file from /etc/cron.d worked until I restarted the machine, at which point it was regenerated. Removing the packages listed solved the problem once and for all. :-)