Top "Cron" questions

Cron is a time-based job scheduler running as a daemon process in Unix-like computer operating systems.

Expect script does not work under crontab

I have an expect script which I need to run every 3 mins on my management node to collect tx/rx …

automation cron crontab expect
Using sendmail from command line

I'm trying to write a bash script, to be run by a cron task, which will send me an email …

email cron sendmail
Cronjob or MySQL event?

I have to update my MySQL database every hour, and I was wondering what the advantages/disadvantages of using a …

mysql cron mysql-event
Setting up a cron job with Webmin

I am trying to setup a Cron job using Webmin to run every 5 min. It needs to target a .php …

php cron webmin
How to run gpg from a script run by cron?

I have a script that has a part that looks like that: for file in `ls *.tar.gz`; do echo …

bash cron gnupg
Unable to run a service command via cron

service service_name start When i tried running this from cmd line, it works. But when i try to schedule …

service cron
Create cronjob with Zend Framework

I am trying to write a cronjob controller, so I can call one website and have all modules cronjob.php …

php zend-framework cron command-line-interface
logrotate cron job not rotating certain logs

I added two scripts in "logrotate.d" directory for my application logs to be rotated. This is the config for …

logging cron cron-task logrotate log-rotation
Execute Python Script Every Hour on MacOS

Goal I have a script written in python. connect to database insert some fake data My goal is execute that …

python macos cron cron-task
Equivalent of Celery in Node JS

Please suggest an equivalent of Celery in Node JS to run asynchronous tasks. I have been able to search for …

node.js mongodb cron laterjs node-celery