Top "Cql" questions

CQL (Cassandra Query Language) is used to interact with and query Cassandra tables.

How can I have null column value for a composite key column in CQL3

This may sound silly as there are no null values in SQL's composite primary key. But just want to confirm …

cassandra cql cql3 playorm
Passing parameter to Cassandra CQL query using DataStax client

I am using datastax as a client for connecting to cassandra. I have successfully connected to cassandra cluster/keyspace/column …

java cassandra cql datastax-java-driver
Cassandra CQL searching for element in list

I have a table that has a column of list type (tags): CREATE TABLE "Videos" ( video_id UUID, title VARCHAR, …

cassandra cql cql3
Cassandra CQL - clustering order with multiple clustering columns

I have a column family with primary key definition like this: ... PRIMARY KEY ((website_id, item_id), user_id, date) …

cassandra cql cql3 cqlsh
What is the maximum length of data passed to cassandra column

Is there any limit on maximum length we can specify for a column while creating Cassandra table, if yes, then …

cassandra cql
How to define dynamic column families in cassandra

Here it is said, that no special effort is need to get a dynamic column family. But I always get …

database cassandra cql dynamic-columns
How to retrieve the timestamp from cassandra?

In the below cassandra, "get result"..we can able to retrieve the column name and values. But how to retrieve …

cassandra command-line-interface cql pycassa
Bad Request: No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with Equal operator : CQL error?

I have below table in CQL- create table test ( employee_id text, employee_name text, value text, last_modified_date …

cassandra cql cql3
Cassandra IN clause on index

Assume a simple table with one insert (or without this insert, doesn't really matter). CREATE TABLE test ( x int, y …

cassandra cql cql3 database nosql
mismatched input ')' expecting EOF in CQL

created keyspace and using CQL but getting an Error CREATE KEYSPACE demodb WITH strategy_class = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy' ... …

cassandra cql cql3 cassandra-cli