Top "Cpu" questions

The central processing unit or "processor" inside a computer which executes the instructions in a computer program.

Accessing CPU temperature in python

I need an example code for accessing CPU temperature in python. I'm running windows 7, BTW.

python windows cpu temperature
How was the first computer program created?

Possible Duplicate: How was the first compiler written? This question has always been bothering me. To compile a program, you …

assembly cpu cpu-architecture machine-language
How to dynamically monitor CPU per core usage on Linux?

I want to dynamically view CPU per core usage, include spending user mode and kernel, how should I do it?

linux cpu cpu-usage
High CPU mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot

I get the following warning: mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/cgi_wrapper/cgi_wrapper As …

warnings cpu mod-fcgid
Assigning a cpu core to a process - Linux

Is there any way to force a process with specific PID, to be executed and run on only one of …

bash process cpu affinity
Why are GPUs more powerful than CPUs

How are GPUs more faster then CPUs? I've read articles that talk about how GPU's are much faster in breaking …

cpu gpu
Finding out the CPU clock frequency (per core, per processor)

Programs like CPUz are very good at giving in depth information about the system (bus speed, memory timings, etc.) However, …

c++ cpu cpu-speed
How does cpu communicate with peripherals?

i assume cpu has direct access to motherboard's BIOS and RAM.(correct me if i'm wrong) But how does cpu …

hardware communication cpu
CPUID implementations in C++

I would like to know if somebody around here has some good examples of a C++ CPUID implementation that can …

c++ assembly cpu x86-64
Batch-file get CPU temperature in °C and set as variable

How do i get a batch-file to work out the temperature of the Cpu and return it as a variable. …

windows batch-file windows-7 cpu temp