Top "Cppunit" questions

CppUnit is a macro-based unit testing framework for C++.

How to build CppUnit with Visual Studio 2010

I am trying to build CppUnit (first line in ReadMe says version 1.13) with Visual Studio 2010. Following the instructions (found on …

visual-studio-2010 cppunit
How do I link to cppunit?

I think I'm missing something really stupid here. I have libcppunit installed: (I'm using Ubuntu 12.04) $ apt-cache policy libcppunit-dev libcppunit-dev: Installed: 1.12.1…

ubuntu dynamic-linking cppunit
Makefiles: Change working directory for make check

I have a C++ project that employs unit testing via CppUnit and has the following directory structure: . |-- bin | `-- …

c++ makefile cppunit