Top "Cpan" questions

CPAN is the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, a code and documentation archive of over 100,000 open-source Perl modules across more than 25,000 distributions written by more than 10,000 authors.

How to rebuild/reinstall dependencies of an up to date CPAN module?

I need to reinstall the dependencies of a CPAN module. Some dependencies which are usually installed are missing but the …

perl dependencies cpan
Perl Module install error CPAN

When i try to install Spreadsheet::WriteExcel perl module using cpan in ubuntu 12.04, i get this following error. > Can't …

perl cpan
How do I tell where to get modules?

Here is the complete install command to CPAN and the output: sudo perl -MCPAN -e "install Bundle::CPAN" CPAN: Storable …

perl yaml cpan
How to upgrade perl modules that install from CPAN?

In cpan shell, only /regexp/ or all modules can be upgrade, if I want to upgrade modules only installed by …

perl upgrade cpan
How do I find the module dependencies of my Perl script?

I want another developer to run a Perl script I have written. The script uses many CPAN modules that have …

perl dependencies module cpan
How do I install CPAN modules while using perlbrew?

I have started using perlbrew and installed perl-5.12.2. I understand I need to re-install my CPAN modules, so I switched …

perl module version cpan perlbrew
What is the best Perl module to use for creating a .pdf from scratch?

There are quite a number of modules on CPAN relating to the creation and manipulation of .pdf files, and I'm …

perl pdf cpan
Two versions of Perl in Mac OS X?

I've installed the Template module via CPAN on my MacBook Pro and it seemed to install correctly. But, when I …

perl macos templates osx-snow-leopard cpan
How do I automate CPAN configuration?

The first time you run cpan from the command line, you are prompted for answers to various questions. How do …

perl cpan