Top "Cp1252" questions

CP-1252 or Windows-1252 is a character encoding of the Latin alphabet.

Numpy loadtxt encoding

I am trying to load data with numpy.loadtxt... The file im trying to read is using cp1252 coding. Is …

python numpy encoding ubuntu-12.04 cp1252
How to read a .sav SPSS file in in R?

I've tried read.spps(), but I get an encoding error: library(foreign) read.spss('persona.sav') #>re-encoding from CP1252 …

r character-encoding statistics spss cp1252
Convert string from codepage 1252 to 1250

How can I convert one String with characters decoded in codepage 1252 into a String decoded in codepage 1250. For example String …

java codepages cp1252 cp1250
Eclipse:Using UTF-8 encoding in the text editor make the Strings not work properly, how can I fix that?

I have some Greek comments in the code and when I enter a Greek letter it says "Save us UTF-8" …

java eclipse encoding utf-8 cp1252
How do I convert unicode string with cp1252 characters into UTF-8 with Python?

I am getting text through an API that returns characters with a windows encoded apostrophe (\x92): > python >>&…

python unicode encoding utf-8 cp1252
Can I avoid using CP1252 on Windows?

I would like all my toolkit to use UTF-8 but find that some tools on Windows seem to use CP1252 (…

utf-8 cp1252