Cloudant Query & CouchDB Mango: How to set $regex flags?

Colin Skow picture Colin Skow · May 11, 2016 · Viewed 7k times · Source

Is it possible to set $regex flags using Cloudant Query / CouchDB 2.0 Find?

Specifically I want a case insensitive search and global would also be useful.

In JavaScript I would do:

    selector: {
      _id: {$gt: null},
      series: {$regex: /mario/i}

But I have no clue how to code that into an Erlang string.


Colin Skow picture Colin Skow · May 14, 2016

From Cloudant Support:

I understand that you wish to do a case-insensitive match using the $regex operator in Cloudant Query.

As an example, you can use this Cloudant Query selector to get all documents in which the "series" field has a string value in which there is a case-insensitive match with the string "mario":

  "selector": {
    "_id": {
      "$gt": null
    "series": {
      "$regex": "(?i)mario"

Using that selector in a file called query.txt, and with appropriate values set for $ACCOUNTNAME, $DATABASE, $USERNAME and $PASSWORD, you can run this query to get the correct result:

curl -X POST http://$$DATABASE/_find -H 
  "Content-Type: application/json" -d @query.txt -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD

The Cloudant API Reference at says of the $regex operator in Cloudant Query selectors:

Most selector expressions work exactly as you would expect for the given operator. The matching algorithms used by the $regex operator are currently based on the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library. However, not all of the PCRE library is implemented, and some parts of the $regex operator go beyond what PCRE offers. For more information about what is implemented, see the Erlang Regular Expression information

And in the Erlang Regular Expression information that it refers to at it says in the list of options for: compile(Regexp, Options) -> {ok, MP} | {error, ErrSpec}


  • Letters in the pattern match both upper and lower case letters.

  • It is equivalent to Perl's /i option, and it can be changed within a pattern by a (?i) option setting.

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters are defined as in the ISO-8859-1 character set.

I hope this helps.