I want my message input bar to float above the keyboard when the keyboard shows but it looks like there's no keyboard-attach directive (like v1) in Ionic 2 yet (maybe in the works?). Is there any alternative/workaround?
Current behaviour:
Wanted behaviour:
Here's the code of my message input bar:
<ion-toolbar position="bottom" *ngIf="userIsAdmin">
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(f)" #f="ngForm" class="message-form">
<ion-badge class="message-form-badge">Admin</ion-badge>
<ion-input type="text" placeholder="Type a message..." ngControl="messageInput"></ion-input>
<button type="submit" small class="message-form-button">Send <ion-icon name="send"></ion-icon></button>
I found a solution which works for me on IOS.
When you inspect the <ion-item>
with <ion-input>
in the browser(debugging use Safari for IOS) you can find that ionic generates a <div class='input-cover'>
which has the style position: absolute;
Write a CSS which overrides this as below
.input-cover {
position: static;
This did the trick for me and now when you focus on an input field, it scrolls into view and does not hide below the keyboard anymore and all this works buttery smooth.