Top "Cordova-plugins" questions

A Cordova plugin bridges a bit of functionality between the WebView powering a Cordova application and the native platform the Cordova application is running on.

cordova push plugin callback not invoked when the app is in background

I have the push plugin configured with cordova 3.5. When the app is in foreground, …

cordova push-notification cordova-plugins phonegap-pushplugin
Add android:name="something" to AndroidManifest.xml "application" tag from Cordova plugin.xml

I decided to open new question because none of those that are already posted, has a good answer. I need …

android cordova android-manifest cordova-plugins
FB LOGIN -> SERVER_ERROR code 1675030: Error performing query

I have an hybrid app on ionic v1. It has facebook login functionality. Have used following plugin for that - …

facebook facebook-graph-api cordova-plugins facebook-login ionic-v1
How to fix the "Malformed auth code" when trying to refreshToken on the second attempt?

I'm developping an Android App with Angular and Cordova plugins and I want to integrate it with Google Authentication. I …

cordova oauth-2.0 cordova-plugins google-oauth google-oauth-java-client
Property 'cordova' does not exist on type 'Window'. : ionic

In my code, I'm getting the error as Property 'cordova' does not exist on type 'Window'. This is where I'm …

cordova ionic-framework ionic2 ionic3 cordova-plugins
How to add a plugin on only one Ionic platform?

I am using the excellent background geolocation plugin on an Ionic project. Unfortunately Apple don't think my usage is valid …

cordova ionic-framework cordova-plugins
Show Camera stream in Canvas / Video using Phonegap

For Phonegap (Android), we are currently investigating the possibility to set the stream of the camera of an Android device …

cordova camera cordova-plugins
What is the purpose of fetch.json file inside cordova plugins folder?

File fetch.json created inside plugins folder after cordova plugin add executed first time. This file also modified each time …

cordova cordova-plugins cordova-cli
phonegap-plugin-push on("notification") event is not firing when app is in background

I am using following plugin for push notification in Ionic2 Expected Behaviour: When app …

cordova push-notification ionic2 cordova-plugins phonegap-pushplugin
Facebook graph API get all fields data

From my understanding, we can retrieve user information via something like this: $cordovaFacebook.api( "me?fields=name,email,picture", ["public_…

facebook cordova cordova-plugins cordova-facebook