Top "Corba" questions

CORBA is an object-oriented middleware standard, defined by the OMG.

Returning an entity via remote EJB results in - java.lang.NullPointerException at$ClassInfo.<init>

I'm trying to create an enterprise web application in the following environment. NetBeans 7.2.1 Glassfish Server 3.1.2 (containing the Servlet 3.0 API) EJB 3.1 …

jakarta-ee glassfish ejb corba
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/omg/CORBA/InterfaceDef

I am seeing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/omg/CORBA/InterfaceDef when I am calling the method getMethod of the java.…

java reflection noclassdeffounderror corba
What is a real life example of CORBA?

What is an example of a situation where CORBA would be used? Is it just a matter of using an …

How to access CORBA interface without IDL or late-bound invoke remoting methods

We have been using an SAP "COM License Bridge" to access their license server and query the hardware key of …

c# .net remoting corba iiop
Migrating a big project in MFC from Visual C++ 6.0 to Visual Studio 2005

I am maintaining a big project (~250k loc, not counting code generated from idl) in Visual C++ 6.0, that uses Visibroker (…

c++ visual-c++ visual-studio-2005 mfc corba
EJB lookup throws error: org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: vmcid: SUN minor code: 257 completed: Maybe

When my application does EJB lookup using remote interface, I get following exception. It was working fine and in recently …

ejb corba
How to init ORB from property file?

I would like to init my ORB from property file (normally I init it like this, while running my examples: ./…

java initialization corba orb
org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: Server-side Exception: null

I'm trying to register to a CORBA CosNotification Service. In the documentation of the service I'm trying to connect to, …

web-services marshalling corba jacorb
Looking for the timeout properties of native java CORBA on the client-side

I am using CORBA (ORB) which natively comes with Java, no third party libraries are used. I'm in need of …

java properties timeout corba