Top "Contour" questions

A contour line for a function of two variables is a curve connecting points where the function has the same particular value.

OpenCV closing a shape and filling it

I want to output a blue-filled hand but get the incorrect output. I've included the input picture, incorrect output picture …

c++ opencv shape fill contour
With OpenCV, try to extract a region of a picture described by ArrayOfArrays

I am developing some image processing tools in iOS. Currently, I have a contour of features computed, which is of …

c++ opencv contour
Why does pyplot.contour() require Z to be a 2D array?

The matplotlib.pyplot.contour() function takes 3 input arrays X, Y and Z. The arrays X and Y specify the x- …

python numpy matplotlib contour
OpenCV TypeError: contour is not a numpy array, neither a scalar

I'm trying to use OpenCV to extract tags from Nike images. This is a tutorial code taken from: http://opencv-code.…

python opencv numpy contour
gnuplot contour line color: set style line and set linetype not working

I am plotting data as described in a previous Stackoverflow question: gnuplot 2D polar plot with heatmap from 3D dataset …

colors gnuplot contour
Mark a specific level in contour map on matplotlib

Can anyone give me an example of how to mark a specific level in a contour map? I would like …

python matplotlib contour
OpenCV C++: Sorting contours by their contourArea

How can I sort contours by the size of their contour areas? And how can I get the biggest/smallest …

c++ sorting opencv contour
Plot a contour of multivariate normal PDF of a given MVN in MATLAB?

I have a bivariate gaussian I defined as follow: I=[1 0;0 1]; mu=[0,0]; sigma=0.5*I; beta = mvnrnd(mu,sigma,100); %100x2 matrix where …

matlab contour gaussian normal-distribution
Creating your own contour in opencv using python

I have a set of boundary points of an object. I want to draw it using opencv as contour. I …

python opencv contour
Python: find contour lines from matplotlib.pyplot.contour()

I'm trying to find (but not draw!) contour lines for some data: from pprint import pprint import matplotlib.pyplot z = [[0.350087, 0.0590954, 0.002165], [0.144522, 0.885409, 0.378515], [0.027956, 0.777996, 0.602663], [0.138367, 0.182499, 0.460879], [0.357434, 0.297271, 0.587715]] …

python numpy matplotlib spatial contour