Top "Contentoffset" questions

The point at which the origin of the content view is offset from the origin of the scroll view.

UIScrollView not scrolling to bottom in iOS 7

In this following code example self.contentView refers to the UIScrollView in question. // Scroll to bottom. CGPoint bottomOffset = CGPointMake(0, self.…

ios iphone objective-c uiscrollview contentoffset
How can I set the content offset of a FlatList in React Native?

I know that we can get the offset with render() { return <FlatList onScroll={this.handleScroll} /> } handleScroll = (event) => { //…

reactjs react-native react-native-flatlist contentoffset
iOS7 Content Offset by 20 pixels for non existent Status Bars

I have a strange behaviour with my UIViews as I'm migrating to iOS7. It seems that they are sent a …

objective-c uiview ios7 contentoffset