What is the difference between Alfresco Community Edition and Alfresco Enterprise Edition ?
The Enterprise Edition is the commercially supported Edition. In addition to support, you also get patches, updates, indemnity, and access to certified partners. From a functionality standpoint, the software is virtually the same. There are a few things only available to Enterprise such as support for commercial databases and application servers, the XAM connector, and JMX.
Both Enterprise and Community are tested by our QA team. When it is time to distribute an Enterprise release, a branch is created. That branch undergoes additional testing and is frequently patched with fixes. These fixes go into the Enterprise release for that branch and are later merged back into the main code line so that they will be available in a future Community release.
Both Enterprise and Community are 100% open source. Community is distributed under the LGPLv3 license.
If you start an Enterprise Trial and you need to extend beyond your 30 day license you should talk to the account rep you are working with. Extensions can be granted.