Top "Console.log" questions

a debugging tool for JavaScript.

JavaScript - adding style to the text of console log

Recently I logged into my FB account on Chrome Browser. When I opened the developer tools, I saw something like …

javascript css console.log
Dumping whole array: console.log and console.dir output "... NUM more items]"

I am trying to log a long array so I can copy it quickly in my terminal. However, if I …

arrays node.js v8 dump console.log
Assign console.log value to a variable

How can I assign a JavaScript object to a variable which was printed using console.log? I am in Chrome …

javascript ruby console.log language-comparisons
Show jQuery (JS) objects' contents in Chrome Console

Im getting my objects returned in the console as [object Object], however which way I try to have it log …

javascript jquery console.log
localStorage getItem logs[object Object]

I am trying to set and get items from local storage but when i log the data i get [object …

jquery object local-storage console.log
Webpack console.log output?

Can anyone direct me in the right direction? So i've setup the webpack-dev-server with the truffle suite demo, just to …

javascript webpack output webpack-dev-server console.log
Why is console.log() considered better than alert()?

I've always been told that when debugging an application, JavaScript's console.log() method is preferred over simply using an alert() …

javascript debugging alert console.log
Why Google Chrome has different console.log() output via jQuery?

When I console log a jquery object eg. var s = $("#item"); console.log(s); I get something like this [div#…

jquery google-chrome console.log
Access last logged value in Chrome console

When I evaluate an expression directly in the Chrome Console like 1 + 1 then I can reference to the evaluated value using $_ …

javascript google-chrome console.log
How to console.log an object definition and a text in same string?

I have this JavaScript code: console.log(obj);// [query: "wordOfTheDay"] console.log(note + " : " + obj ); // obj does not show up I …

javascript object concatenation console.log