Top "Connection" questions

Refers to a connection used to transfer data between two endpoints, such as between a client and a web, database, web service or other server.

How to connect to mssql using pdo through PHP and Linux?

I'm trying to for a new PDO connection using the following code. new PDO("mssql:driver=????;Server={$serverName};Database={$databaseName}", $…

php sql-server database connection pdo
iPhone TCP/IP Socket Server/Client Program

I have read a lot of questions regarding this subject on this website however they didn't quiet answer my question. …

iphone sockets connection communication
SoapUI: ConnectException: Connection timed out:

i try to send request via REST. I get success response when using firefox rest-client, but in SoapUI i get …

rest connection soapui connection-timeout
Checking internet connection on android

I have the following code for checking internet connection wifi/EDGE/GPRS/3G on my application. the code is public …

android connection No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): connect

Hi I am using Apache HTTP Client 4.0 to upload some files on a server based on HTTPS protocol. The uploaded …

java sockets connection httpclient socketexception
Python requests - Exception Type: ConnectionError - try: except does not work

I am using a webservice to retrieve some data but sometimes the url is not working and my site is …

python url python-requests connection python-2.x
Android SDK Manager won't update: connection to refused

This is the same problem as a number of other have reported, e.g. Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.…

android sdk https connection adt
Android HTTP User Agent

How do I get the real device in http_user_agent? When I use a WebView, I can get the …

android http connection
In Java when does a URL connection close?

When does java let go of a connections to a URL? I don't see a close() method on either URL …

java exception url connection
Python server "Only one usage of each socket address is normally permitted"

I'm trying to create a very basic server in python that listens in on a port, creates a TCP connection …

python sockets connection webserver