I am new to Firebird using its Java version Jaybird, But unable to connect from database (.fdb file). The problem comes like this:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initilize Jaybird native library. This is most likley due to a failure to load the firebird client library.
Using following code:
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS /FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
Having following files in build path of Eclipse project:
Also using the JVM arguments as -Djava.library.path="D:\Shared\Firebird\Jaybird-2.1.5JDK_1.5"
Tell me what is wrong in my approach?
Thanks RRUZ for giving repsonse.
Actually there was no space after "C:/XLNKREPOS" in my connection string, It was a copy past mistake. Again & again I got the following SQL Exception:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
And that database is no where used in other program.
Hope my this post makes you understand my problem.
The OP is mixing two jdbc url formats supported by Jaybird.
Either use
used to indicate optional part