Top "Connection-string" questions

A string containing information necessary for connecting to a service, usually database.

Encrypting connectionStrings section - utility for app.config

Is there a utility that will encrypt a named configuration section (or just the connectionStrings section) in an app.config …

.net encryption connection-string app-config
How do you put environmental variables in web.config?

I am currently Following these tutorials, and I am wanting to call the clear text string from Azure's Application Settings … azure web-config connection-string appsettings
MongoDB Connection String to Replica Set

I am looking at and when you scroll to the section "A …

mongodb connection-string replicaset
SQLite EF6 programmatically set connection string at runtime

I try to migrate form EF 3.5 to 6 (with SQLite as database). We can not set the connection string in the …

.net sqlite runtime entity-framework-6 connection-string
Display a ConnectionString dialog

I'm trying to create a program in C# that should be able to create, backup and restore a SQL Server …

c# sql sql-server connection-string
How to handle special characters in the password of a Postgresql URL connection string?

Using a Postgresql URL connection string in the format of: postgresql://user:secret@localhost How do I handle special characters …

postgresql url connection-string postgresql-9.1
OLEDBConnection.Open() generates 'Unspecified error'

I have an application that uploads an Excel .xls file to the file system, opens the file with an oledbconnection …

c# debugging connection-string xls oledbconnection
Setting the SQL connection string for ASP.NET Core web app in Azure

I have created a new ASP.NET Core web application in Visual Studio 2015. I've also set up an Azure web …

c# azure connection-string
Get SqlConnection from DbConnection

I have an Extension method on DbContext where I want to do a SqlBulkCopy. Therefore I need a SqlConnection. The …

c# sql entity-framework connection-string mvc-mini-profiler
unable to retrieve metadata for unrecognized element providers

I get a message error whenever I try to add a controller with Entity framework template but I keep getting …

entity-framework ef-code-first database-connection connection-string