I run webapp on Jetty. The configuration for the app come from file that lives on the same server where Jetty is running. Inside the app I rely on the system property to obtain path to the file so I can parse it. E.g.
final String loc = System.getProperty(FACTORY);
Now I can start jetty with D switch to provide $FACTORY
on the command line but I rather put it in jetty.xml if I can. I know there is <SystemProperty />
tag but that seems to just provide system value that already exists for the <Set/>
tag. Can someone give me example how this can be achieved? (If it can be achieved)
For the record, if you really need to do this through system properties (I did) you can do this to append for example -Drun.mode=staging to the system properties:
<Call class="java.lang.System" name="setProperties">
<New class="java.util.Properties">
<Call name="putAll">
<Arg><Call class="java.lang.System" name="getProperties"/></Arg>
<Call name="setProperty">
... and yes you can probably can program your application through this ;-)