I try to use the IBM Websphere $AdminApp
(and the Ant tasks) to install/update an application EAR on a remote server. You may want to read this question too.
Manual process
I open a jython console with this command line:
$was61profile1\bin$> wsadmin.bat -lang jython -host MYHOST -port 32092
After that I want to list all applications:
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "$AdminApp list"; exception information:
com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7206W: The application management service is not running. Application management commands will not run.
I think the message here is clear: The application management service is not running.
How to enable the Application Management Service?
I did search for documentation on the horrible, horrible IBM website. I also tried to click through the configuration options on the Websphere admin pages. But I can't find anything remotely close to application management service. I do that clicking again with english language settings now, but I'd appreciate if someone can point me to the configuration option or the documentation.
Crap, I was connected to the wrong port. If you want to use AdminApp.list()
you have to connect to the deployment manager (abbreviated as DMGR). I restarted my console with
*WAS_HOME*\profiles\was61profile1\bin>wsadmin.bat -lang jython -host MYHOST -port 32003
and then I could list installed applications via AdminApp
Make sure you go to the Websphere Administration console web interface and go to System configuration -> Deployment manager and check the list of Ports on the right hand side of the page. There is a port for SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS
and that is what you need to use for the console.