Top "Conditional-statements" questions

In computer science, conditional statements, conditional expressions and conditional constructs are features of a programming language which perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false.

Why {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} is replaced with {$IF defined(MSWINDOWS)} in Delphi XE5?

In XE5 all conditional compilations such as {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} are replaced with {$IF defined(MSWINDOWS)} For example System.Diagnostics.pas …

delphi conditional-statements delphi-xe5 conditional-compilation defined
Testing if JQuery tooltip is initialized

I am using a JQuery UI Tooltip along with AJAX to validate a form. I am using one tooltip for …

jquery jquery-ui conditional-statements jquery-tooltip
Condition (if, else, else if) in YAML

I use hautelook/AliceBundle to create faker data in YAML, but I would for more consistency of data. I would …

conditional-statements nelmio-alice
Conditional compilation for .NET 4

Possible Duplicate: Conditional compilation and framework targets I have some code that works in .NET 4, but it does not work …

c# .net-4.0 conditional-statements conditional-compilation
How to conditionally add widgets to a list?

In flutter, widgets such as Row/ListView/Stack don't handle null children. So if we want to conditionally add widgets …

flutter dart conditional-statements flutter-widget flutter-listview
Rails: Redirect to page if condition

I want to redirect a user if a condition is true: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base @offline = 'true' redirect_to :…

ruby-on-rails conditional-statements reroute
add column to data frame, testing categorical variable in other column

I have referred: How to add a factor column to dataframe based on a conditional statement from another column?, How …

r for-loop dataframe conditional-statements calculated-columns
What's the explanation for Exercise 1.6 in SICP?

I'm just beginning to work through SICP (on my own; this isn't for a class), and I've been struggling with …

recursion conditional-statements evaluation sicp
Laravel conditions in Controller where clause

I'm trying to build a query based on URL parameters. When the Controller is loaded I need to check which …

php if-statement laravel conditional-statements clause
How to run custom action based on condition?

I'm trying to run a custom action (delete a certain file) based on the windows version. I know how to …

wix windows-installer conditional conditional-statements custom-action