Dense sift vs sift?

mugetsu picture mugetsu · Dec 8, 2011 · Viewed 13.8k times · Source

What is the difference between the dense sift implementation compare to sift? What are the advantages/disadvantages of one to another? I'm talking in particular about the VLFeat implementations.


carlosdc picture carlosdc · Dec 10, 2011

The obvious difference is that with dense SIFT you get a SIFT descriptor at every location, while with normal sift you get a SIFT descriptions at the locations determined by Lowe's algorithm.

There are many applications where you require non-dense SIFT, one great example is Lowe's original work.

There are plenty of applications where good results have been obtained by computing a descriptor everywhere (densely) one such example is this. A descriptor similar to dense SIFT is called HOG or DHOG, they are technically not the same thing but conceptually both based on histograms of gradients and are very similar.