I am trying to use caffe to implement triplet loss described in Schroff, Kalenichenko and Philbin "FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering", 2015.
I am new to this so how to calculate the gradient in back propagation?
I assume you define the loss layer as
layer {
name: "tripletLoss"
type: "TripletLoss"
bottom: "anchor"
bottom: "positive"
bottom: "negative"
Now you need to compute a gradient w.r.t each of the "bottom"s.
The gradient w.r.t the "anchor" input (fa
The gradient w.r.t the "positive" input (fp
The gradient w.r.t the "negative" input (fn
The original calculation (I leave here for sentimental reasons...)
Please see comment correcting the last term.