The theory of computation is the branch that deals with whether and how efficiently problems can be solved on a model of computation, using an algorithm.
X is a prefix of a string y if there exists xz = y and x is a proper prefix if …
string theory prefix computation-theoryOut of these algorithms, I know Alg1 is the fastest, since it is n squared. Next would be Alg4 since …
algorithm big-o computation-theoryI know that converse of above theorem is not true i.e if L is regular then every subset of …
regular-language computation-theoryI'm not sure I understand if there is a difference between a finite state machine and a state machine? Am …
math statistics computation-theory state-machineWhat are the minimum pumping length for the following languages ? The empty language (01)* 10(11*0)*0 1011 011 U 0*1* Here are my solutions. Please correct …
computer-science regular-language computation-theory compiler-theoryI know anbn for n > 0 is not regular by the pumping lemma but I would imagine a*b* to …
regular-language computation-theoryWhat is the CFG of the complement of L={ww|w belongs to {0,1}*}?
context-free-grammar computation-theoryI am having some trouble grasping what it means for a machine to recognize and decide a language. I think …
computer-science computation-theoryI have a course called Algorithm Analysis at college, where we're currently studying the different complexity classes -- P, NP, …
computer-science theory complexity-theory computation-theoryTrying to do some revision but not sure on this one: Prove that the set of all languages over a fi…
computation-theory countable