Why is writing a compiler in a functional language easier?

wvd picture wvd · May 25, 2010 · Viewed 12k times · Source

I've been thinking of this question very long, but really couldn't find the answer on Google as well a similar question on Stackoverflow. If there is a duplicate, I'm sorry for that.

A lot of people seem to say that writing compilers and other language tools in functional languages such as OCaml and Haskell is much more efficient and easier then writing them in imperative languages.

Is this true? And if so -- why is it so efficient and easy to write them in functional languages instead of in an imperative language, like C? Also -- isn't a language tool in a functional language slower then in some low-level language like C?


sepp2k picture sepp2k · May 25, 2010

Often times a compiler works a lot with trees. The source code is parsed into a syntax tree. That tree might then be transformed into another tree with type annotations to perform type checking. Now you might convert that tree into a tree only containing core language elements (converting syntactic sugar-like notations into an unsugared form). Now you might perform various optimizations that are basically transformations on the tree. After that you would probably create a tree in some normal form and then iterate over that tree to create the target (assembly) code.

Functional language have features like pattern-matching and good support for efficient recursion, which make it easy to work with trees, so that's why they're generally considered good languages for writing compilers.