Top "Compilation" questions

Compilation is the transformation of source text into some other form or representation.

#ifdef #ifndef in Java

I doubt if there is a way to make compile-time conditions in Java like #ifdef #ifndef in C++. My problem …

java compilation conditional conditional-compilation
How to run prolog code?

I am working on family tree in prolog. I don't have any idea how to compile and run this program. …

compilation prolog
How do I compile a PyQt script (.py) to a single standalone executable file for windows (.exe) and/or linux?

I started to fiddle with PyQt, and made a "beautiful" script from the pyqt whitepaper example app (pastebin) It works …

python qt4 compilation executable pyqt4
How to check if program was compiled with debug symbols?

I'd like to trace some code in GIMP and therefore need GIMP with debug symbols enabled. I don't remember whether …

debugging compilation symbols gimp
Javac "cannot find symbol"

I've the root directory like this : ├── classes └── src └── vehicles ├── └── package vehicles; public class Bicycle { …

java compilation command-line-interface javac
Create a single executable from a Python project

I want to create a single executable from my Python project. A user should be able to download and run …

python compilation exe packaging software-distribution
Why do I get compilation error "org/codehaus/groovy/control/CompilationFailedException"?

I am trying to compile my JasperReports template using an Ant script and Java. I am getting this error: jasper …

java ant compilation jasper-reports
What does the compile-time error "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64" mean?

I'm trying to program a graph class using an adjacent list from an example in my C++ text book, and …

compilation g++ undefined symbols
What does go build build? (go build vs. go install)

New Go programmers often don't know or get confused what the fundamental go build command does. What do exactly the …

go build compilation
How do header and source files in C work?

I've perused the possible duplicates, however none of the answers there are sinking in. tl;dr: How are source and …

c compilation header-files