Mule Community edition vs Enterprise edition - Feature Comparison?

dacology picture dacology · Mar 18, 2014 · Viewed 25.8k times · Source

This should be a simple 'google' ... but I have drawn a blank. I assume it must be out there somewhere, can anyone help me find it?

I need a simple comparison that tells me what is in and what is out of the community edition vs the enterprise edition?

*For example the DataMapper is not included in Community, but this is not clear until you try to deploy, I'd really like to save a lot of wasted effort upfront.

Thank you.


Ryan Carter picture Ryan Carter · Mar 18, 2014

MuleSoft provides a list of comparisons and features here:

This details that Datamapper is enterprise only. It has a blanket statement around enterprise connectors, but you can view which are enterprise or community via

Some transports, (mainly JDBC) have enterprise equivalents which are documented on the individual transports documentation pages: