Top "Command-prompt" questions

The command prompt is the string of text that a command-line interpreter displays to you, the user, to prompt you for input in interactive mode.

How can I display my current git branch name in my PowerShell prompt?

Basically I'm after this but for PowerShell instead of bash. I use git on windows through PowerShell. If possible, I'd …

git powershell command-prompt
How to start 2 programs simultaneously in windows command prompt

I am using Windows 7 64bit Here is the code snippet I am using to start @echo off call "C:\Program …

windows-7 command-line cmd command-prompt windows-console
Run command2 only if command1 succeeded in cmd windows shell

How do we combine commands in cmd shell language such that the second command is only executed if the first …

cmd command-prompt
Batch program find string in variable

I tried to find the solutions in many places but couldn't find specific answer. I am creating a batch script. …

batch-file command-line command-prompt findstr
Runas Error: Unable to Acquire Password

I'm trying to start visual studio 2010 from command prompt using 'RUNAS' so that I can run it as a different …

visual-studio command-prompt windows-7-x64 runas
How to change drive letter from command prompt or powershell in windows

I wants to change my computer disk D:\ to E:\ from command prompt or powershell. Is there any way other …

windows powershell command-prompt disk drive
Batchfile: What's the best way to declare and use a boolean variable?

What's the best way to declare and use a boolean variable in Batch files? This is what I'm doing now: …

windows batch-file cmd windows-10 command-prompt
Get Command Prompt Output to String In Java

I need a java method that will read command prompt output and store it into a String to be read …

java tostring command-prompt outputstream
How to run a series of vim commands from command prompt

I have four text files A.txt, B.txt, C.txt and D.txt I have to perform a series …

shell vim command-prompt