Bitbucket: Send a pull request via command line?

Nicolas Raoul picture Nicolas Raoul · Jan 4, 2012 · Viewed 42.4k times · Source

I have to send a lot of pull requests, so I would rather use the bash command line than bitbucket's web interface.

Usage example: $ git-req username

Here is such a script for Github:

Is there one for Bitbucket?


s3m3n picture s3m3n · Dec 17, 2013

Bitbucket with it's RESTful API 2.0 supports managing pull requests without interface. In CLI you can request it with CURL. This older version of the documentation has better interface details.

Get pull request data with CURL

To get full data about specific pull request:

$ curl --user s3m3n:bbpassword

In return I get JSON with full info about my pull request #4 (put your username twice, password and reponame in command).

Create new pull request with RESTClient

To create new pull request we need to provide a lot of data with POST command, below how it looks in my RESTClient:

RESTClient Firefox

After firing Bitbucket shows pull request immediately:

Bitbucket screenshot

Create new pull request with CURL

You can still create the same pull request with one liner:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u s3m3n:bbpassword -d '{ "title": "Merge some branches", "description": "stackoverflow example", "source": { "branch": { "name": "choose branch to merge with" }, "repository": { "full_name": "s3m3n/reponame" } }, "destination": { "branch": { "name": "choose branch that is getting changes" } }, "reviewers": [ { "username": "some other user needed to review changes" } ], "close_source_branch": false }'

REST browser tool (discontinued)

If you want to test all possible methods of API hop to REST browser tool of Bitbucket. It will show you all possible requests while returning your real repo's data.