Top "Command-line-interface" questions

The interface to a program that consists entirely of text, as opposed to (although not necessarily mutually exclusive to) a GUI, or Graphical User Interface.

How to Convert Videos on VLC batch/CLI?

I need to do a mass-conversion of videos from a video recorder in the .mod format, to other file formats, …

command command-line-interface line vlc video-conversion
De-activate a maven profile from command line

I have a profile activated by default in my maven setting file ~/.m2/settings.xml. Is it possible to deactivate …

java maven command-line-interface
Lock statement vs Monitor.Enter method

I suppose that this is an interesting code example. We have a class -- let's call it Test -- with …

c# command-line-interface garbage-collection
How do I delete a versioned bucket in AWS S3 using the CLI?

I have tried both s3cmd: $ s3cmd -r -f -v del s3://my-versioned-bucket/ And the AWS CLI: $ aws s3 …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 command-line-interface aws-cli s3cmd
Search for files & file names using silver searcher

Using Silver Searcher, how can I search for: (non-binary) files with a word or pattern AND all filenames, with a …

command-line terminal grep command-line-interface ack
Mac OS: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted

I'm trying to run this script on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and I'm getting the error: $ bbcolors -bash: /usr/local/bin/…

macos perl bash command-line-interface env
Can command line flags in Go be set to mandatory?

Is there a way how to set that certain flags are mandatory, or do I have to check for their …

go command-line-interface command-line-arguments
How do I know the data type of the value of a given key?

I can't seem to find useful information about Redis commands. I want to know the data type of the value …

redis command-line-interface
PHP APC in CLI mode

Does APC module in PHP when running in CLI mode support code optimization? For example, when I run a file …

php performance optimization command-line-interface apc
How to make gpg prompt for passphrase on CLI

The encryption tool of gnuPG package gpg prompts for passphrase using a GUI dialog box when invoked by a regular …

command-line-interface gnupg passphrase