Top "Com-interop" questions

COM interop is the layer that allows .NET assemblies to communicate with standard COM objects and libraries.

Expose dll for COM Interop

I thought I knew how to do this, but obviously not so I'd appreciate some help! I can't get my …

c# visual-studio-2010 com com-interop
How to create a SafeArray C#?

I need to create a SafeArray to pass to a COM method. How do I create/maintain/destroy a SafeArray …

c# com interop com-interop safearray
COMException (0x800A13E9) - Word interop services

I am getting this stacktrace: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A13E9): Word ðú÷ì ááòéä. at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Documents.Add(…

c# ms-word com-interop
DCOM Config settings for Microsoft Interop Word Automation

I am using Microsoft Office Interop Word to generate documents using C#. In order for the document generation to work, …

c# .net office-interop com-interop dcom
SetWindowsHookEx returns 0 when compiling for the .NET 4.0 framework in 32bit machines

I'm trying to set a low level windows keyboard hook to grab three keys pressed even if the application is …

c#-4.0 com-interop keyboard-hook setwindowshookex
What is the Guid attribute that appears above classes in C#?

I've picked up some C# code recently and one of the classes has a Guid attribute present above it. I …

c# com-interop
How to Register a Type Library without RegAsm.exe

I want to know if it's possible to register a type library without using the RegAsm tool. Here is my …

.net com-interop regasm dllregistration tlbexp
Excel Interop to open excel with macros disabled

Is there a way in C# to switch off macros in excel before loading an excel file. I am loading …

.net excel interop com-interop
COM Interop without regasm

I'm a limited user, and I need to write an Outlook macro that exposes a C# library in Outlook 2003 and 2007. …

.net vba outlook com-interop limited-user
COM Interop, client not finding interface in Out-of-process COM

I'm using Microsoft's CSExeCOMServer as a base for setting up a Out-of-process COM server, but it's not working properly. The …

c# .net delphi com-interop out-of-process