Change the colors of the Sphinx Read The Docs theme?

falling cat picture falling cat · Jun 28, 2017 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I'm building documentation for my API library and I'm having host the documentation, and is backed with Sphinx. I have the Read The Docs theme installed for Sphinx using pip install, and the Read the Docs website currently has the documentation running.

I would like to change the colors of my documentation. I have done some searching through their GitHub repository and have seen some talk that editing the sass files. However, I can't seem to find where these files are located.

Example of a Read The Docs with other colors

Any help is appreciated!


Aidan Fitzpatrick picture Aidan Fitzpatrick · Jan 16, 2018

I believe the canonical way is to create a _static folder, include CSS files in that, and then reference that CSS in your templates with an include in the _templates folder.

To demonstrate this, you can try a simple override of the layout.html file: first, create _templates in your docs folder if it doesn't already exist, then create a file there named layout.html.

Populate that with the following:

{% extends "!layout.html" %}
  {% block footer %} {{ super() }}

    /* Sidebar header (and topbar for mobile) */
    .wy-side-nav-search, .wy-nav-top {
      background: #00ff00;
    /* Sidebar */
    .wy-nav-side {
      background: #ff0000;
{% endblock %}

Once you've rebuilt your docs, you should see a garish side-bar and header. (I used a similar technique with our Sphinx / Read The Docs theme implementation. View source etc. to see which bits we override.)