I have been reading about collision detection in games on stackoverflow and other sites. A lot of them talk about BSPs, bounding elipses, integration etc. However, on the NES, they managed to do floor and wall collision detection in games and I find it hard to believe that they did many calculations to detect wall collisions.
I guess my question is, given a level made up of just tiles, how did they detect collisions with walls and floors in games like Mario and Megaman which had little processing power?
I have written some collision code that is basically 'priori' as it searches for the first tile you will hit in a certain direction. I'm just wondering if there's a better way. (just using after-the-fact collision detection instead maybe)
eg, code to check for tile collisions for moving downward (I check vert then horizontal movement):
def tile_search_down(self, char, level):
y_off = char.vert_speed
assert y_off > 0
# t_ are tile coordintes
# must be int.. since we're adding to it.
t_upper_edge_y = int( math.ceil((char.y+char.h) / self.tile_height ) ) #lowest edge
while (t_upper_edge_y*self.tile_height) < (char.y+char.h+y_off): # lowest edge + offset
t_upper_edge_x = int( math.floor(char.x/self.tile_width) )
while (t_upper_edge_x*self.tile_width) < (char.x+char.w):
t_x = t_upper_edge_x
t_y = t_upper_edge_y
if self.is_tile_top_solid(t_x, t_y, plane):
char.y = t_y*self.tile_height - char.h
char.vert_speed = 0.0
char.on_ground = True
t_upper_edge_x += 1
t_upper_edge_y += 1
char.y += y_off
For the types of NES-era games you're talking about, everything was 2D. That alone simplifies many things.
Some machines of that era (particularly ones with hardware sprites, like the Commodore 64) had hardware collision detection. Most games that weren't relying on hardware collision detection would either use a bounding box or a hit mask (1-bit bitmap of the sprite).
Either way, collision detection was usually done "a posteriori", except for special cases like the edges of the world. Some games actually did have bugs where moving too fast when you hit something could cause you to pass through it. (In fact, reviews of early 80's games would often comment on how precise the collision detection was.)
For platformers, you'd typically check to see if the character is "grounded" before applying gravity.
The one-way platforms thing isn't too hard to deal with after the fact since you know the sprite's velocity vector, so you can use that to determine whether or not the collision should register.