Top "Collation" questions

Collation refers to a set of rules that determine how data is sorted and compared.

How do I set default collation for all tables that are created in a database?

I have a database dump taken from a broken database that I need to import into a clean installation. However, …

mysql collation
SQL Server Column names case sensitivity

The DB I use has French_CI_AS collation (CI should stand for Case-Insensitive) but is case-sensitive anyway. I'm trying …

sql-server collation case-sensitive case-insensitive sqlbulkcopy
How to change the connection collation of Mysql

How can I change connection collation of mysql database? I am using Mysql workbench 5.5 and mysql 5.5 in ubuntu 14. When I …

mysql collation
mysql case sensitive in utf8_general_ci

I've a mysql database where i use utf8_general_ci (that is case insensitive), and in my tables i have …

php mysql binary collation
How to explain sorting (numerical, lexicographical and collation) with examples to non technical testers?

I need to explain the differences using French and Spanish first and last names. Any pointers are appreciated. I did …

testing sorting localization internationalization collation
How to sort text in sqlite3 with specified locale?

Sqlite3 by default sorts only by ascii letters. I tried to look in google, but the only thing I found …

ruby-on-rails sqlite locale collation
Why is table CHARSET set to utf8mb4 and COLLATION to utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci

I've recently noticed that, when ever I start a new WordPress project, my tables' collation automatically changes from utf8_unicode_…

mysql wordpress phpmyadmin character-encoding collation
SELECT FROM OPENROWSET( BULK...) changing special characters

I've been facing an issue for a few hours, and I can't seem to get my head around this one. …

sql-server sql-server-2008 bulkinsert collation openrowset
What is the difference between "utf8_unicode_ci" and "utf8_unicode_520_ci"

I recently upgraded WAMPServer and now in phpMyAdmin, I see both collations utf8_unicode_ci and utf8_unicode_520_ci. I …

mysql utf-8 wampserver collation
Why is Latin1_General_CS_AS not case sensitive?

For LIKE queries, the Latin1_General_CS_AS collation is not case-sensitive. According to a bug report to Microsoft, this …

sql-server collation