Top "Coffeescript" questions

CoffeeScript is a language that compiles into JavaScript.

Environment detection: node.js or browser

I'm developping a JS-app that needs to work both on the client side and the server side (in Javascript on …

javascript node.js coffeescript browser-detection
Static classes and methods in coffeescript

I want to write a static helper class in coffeescript. Is this possible? class: class Box2DUtility constructor: () -> …

How do I render three.js in node.js?

How do I render three.js code in node.js? I'd like to export from blender, then open the export …

javascript node.js coffeescript three.js
Testing JS exceptions with Mocha/Chai

Trying to test some code that throws an exception with Mocha/Chai, but having no luck, here's the simple code …

javascript coffeescript mocha chai
Debugging CoffeeScript line-by-line

Is there a way to debug CoffeeScript line-by-line? I understand that it compiles into Javascript. But this sounds like it …

debugging coffeescript
Passing props to React Router children routes

I'm having trouble overcoming an issue with react router. The scenario is that i need to pass children routes a …

javascript coffeescript reactjs parent-child react-router
Rails: access controller instance variable in CoffeeScript or JavaScript asset file

In Rails 3.1 it is not possible to access controller instance variables in an asset js.erb or coffee.erb file …

ruby-on-rails controller coffeescript erb instance-variables
How do I iterate over an entire MongoDB collection using mongojs?

I'm using mongojs and I'm trying to iterate over all elements in a collection index = 0 db.keys.find({}, {uid: 1, _id: 0}).…

javascript mongodb coffeescript iterator mongojs
Defining an array of anonymous objects in CoffeeScript

How do I define an array of anonymous objects in CoffeeScript? Is this possible at all, using the YAML syntax? …

How to add src files in the middle of a pipe

I want to process some files with 'coffee', add some js files, concat and minify. This does not work, coffee …

coffeescript gulp