I have a doubt about CamelCase. Suppose you have this acronym: Unesco = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
You should write: unitedNationsEducationalScientificAndCulturalOrganization
But what if you need to write the acronym? Something like:
Is it right to write it this way? getUnescoProperties()
OR getUNESCOProperties();
There are legitimate criticisms of the Microsoft advice from the accepted answer.
vs playerId
vs playerIdentifier
vs usTaxes
vs usId
(or parseDBMXML
in Wikipedia's example).So I'll post this answer as an alternative to accepted answer. All acronyms should be treated consistently; acronyms should be treated like any other word. Quoting Wikipedia:
...some programmers prefer to treat abbreviations as if they were lower case words...
So re: OP's question, I agree with accepted answer; this is correct: getUnescoProperties()
But I think I'd reach a different conclusion in these examples:
US Taxes
→ usTaxes
Player ID
→ playerId
So vote for this answer if you think two-letter acronyms should be treated like other acronyms.
Camel Case is a convention, not a specification. So I guess popular opinion rules.
( EDIT: Removing this suggestion that votes should decide this issue; as @Brian David says; Stack Overflow is not a "popularity contest", and this question was closed as "opinion based")
Even though many prefer to treat acronyms like any-other word, the more common practice may be to put acronyms in all-caps (even though it leads to "abominations")
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