Top "Codeigniter" questions

CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP.

CodeIgniter - unable to load requested class

Yes, I imagine you are thinking to say that this question is a possible duplicate, however it isn't as the …

php codeigniter autoload
how to require_once in codeigniter

I am trying to extend a library in codeigniter. The only way to do so seems to include the original …

php codeigniter require
What does __FILE__ mean?

I have the following code from Codeigniter index.php My understanding is that, If / of string position in $system_folder (…

php codeigniter path constants
codeigniter check for user session in every controller

I have this private session in one of my controllers that checks if a user is logged in: function _is_…

php codeigniter methods controller
CodeIgniter: "The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed."

I'm experiencing a very odd upload problem. Here's the relevant view file: <form action="http://localhost/index.php/temp/…

php codeigniter mime-types codeigniter-2
Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous

I get this error and I can't figure out why? Error Number: 1052 Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous SELECT `…

mysql codeigniter mysql-error-1052
Counting the number of results returned by a database query in Codeigniter

I am not having much luck detecting when a database query in Codeigniter returns zero results. I have had a …

php codeigniter database-abstraction
How to configure Codeigniter to report all errors?

I had a line - $autoload['libraries'] = array('database');, in CI's autoload.php. Because of this I was getting a …

php codeigniter php-5.3
CodeIgniter - why use xss_clean

if I'm sanitizing my DB inserts, and also escaping the HTML I write with htmlentities($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') …

php html security codeigniter xss
Calling a Controller function in another Controller in CodeIgniter

I have a controller "user" in my codeigniter application. This controller has a function called logged_user_only(): public function …

php codeigniter class-visibility codeigniter-classloader