Top "Code-golf" questions

Code Golf is a game that was played on Stack Overflow in its early days, but it is now considered off-topic.

Code-Golf: What is the shortest program that compiles and crashes?

This is a little bit of fun. Can you devise the shortest program which compiles but does nothing but immediately …

programming-languages code-golf
Code Golf: Collatz Conjecture

Inspired by here is a code golf for it. The Challenge Given a positive integer greater than 0, …

language-agnostic code-golf rosetta-stone collatz
Code Golf: Number to Words

The code golf series seem to be fairly popular. I ran across some code that converts a number to its …

language-agnostic nlp code-golf rosetta-stone
Code Golf: Print the entire "12 Days of Christmas" song in the fewest lines of code

Print all 12 verses of the popular holiday song. By 12 verses I mean the repetition of each line as is sung …

language-agnostic code-golf rosetta-stone
Code Golf: Tic Tac Toe

Post your shortest code, by character count, to check if a player has won, and if so, which. Assume you …

code-golf rosetta-stone tic-tac-toe
Code Golf: Finite-state machine!

Finite state machine A deterministic finite state machine is a simple computation model, widely used as an introduction to automata …

python language-agnostic code-golf state-machine
Code Golf - π day

The Challenge Guidelines for code-golf on SO The shortest code by character count to display a representation of a circle …

language-agnostic code-golf rosetta-stone
Code Golf: Regex parser

The goal Today's Code Golf challenge is to create a regex parser in as few characters as possible. The syntax …

regex language-agnostic code-golf rosetta-stone
Code-Golf: Friendly Number Abbreviator

Based on this question: Is there a way to round numbers into a friendly format? THE CHALLENGE - UPDATED! (removed …

language-agnostic code-golf rosetta-stone number-formatting human-readable
Code Golf: Fractran

The Challenge Write a program that acts as a Fractran interpreter. The shortest interpreter by character count, in any language, …

code-golf esoteric-languages