Topics related to the generation of code as the output of an application, instead of directly writing code by a programmer.
I have an application which loads up c# source files dynamically and runs them as plugins. When I am running …
c# .net debugging code-generationI'm trying to generate pojos from my database but I get the following error(s) on eclipse indigo 3.7.2 with hibernate …
eclipse hibernate code-generation pojo hibernate-toolsAre you aware of any opensource state machine c++ code generators (that will work on linux)? Ideally the tool would …
c++ code-generation state-machineAre there any free/open source alternatives to Codesmith that would be comparable in features and generate .NET code?
.net code-generation codesmithAfter learning a bit of how LLVM work I'm really excited about how portable low-level code can be generated and …
c compiler-construction code-generation llvm c-minus-minusEclipse nicely generates the serialVersionUID for me. But this seems to be passive code generation as the id won't be …
java eclipse code-generation serialversionuidWhen I needed to generate some C# code, for example DTO classes from xsd schema, or an excel table, I've …
typescript code-generation t4 roslynIf I have unhandled exception in Java, Eclipse proposes two options to me: (1) add throws declaration and (2) surround with try/…
java eclipse code-generation content-assistI am trying to generate a Xaml file using Template T4 and defining a reusable file like this &…
visual-studio-2010 code-generation t4 t4-toolboxI have designed my GUI form in the IntelliJ IDEA GUI designer, and selected the radio button in Project Settings → …
java user-interface intellij-idea code-generation gui-builder